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A busy morning in Yangon's Critical Care Unit (Day 5)

Today’s blog from Myanmar comes from Maggs Hamilton, a nurse in Addenbrooke’s Orthopaedic Department, currently on a long-term volunteer placement supporting the Cambridge Yangon Trauma Intervention Partnership.

“Mel and I had a great morning in CCU filming and photography for the upcoming Addenbrooke’s Abroad / Media Studio film about our partnership.

We interviewed the Senior in Charge in her office and then one of the lead Nurses; it was a little bit difficult as her English is limited. However, as she spoke I had an idea to get her to talk about the speaking valve that Colm Fannon (Senior Charge Nurse on NCCU at Addenbrooke’s) helped the YGH nurses to insert in a patient's tracheostomy last week, which allowed him to speak for the first time since being ventilated three months previously. As she was talking I realised it might be an opportunity to get a case history story. That's when it got exciting! The patient consented to filming and the Doctor in Charge was comfortable talking about his story and gave a very good account. The patient then called his wife on camera and spoke to her – she is now 7 months pregnant and he is hoping to get home for the delivery of their first child.

Professor Rector Zaw Wai Soe of UM1 gave a really great and charismatic interview this morning. We are getting on really well with most of the rest of the schedule, Mel is doing a sterling (and uncomplaining) job of about 3 people in 42 degrees C which feels like 47 degrees heat.”

Mel followed that by giving a small class, teaching how to use the retinal screening camera that has been donated by Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. Then it was back to her hotel to film two more interviews with Addenbrooke's Abroad volunteers.