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A video still of Emma Nickerson with hospital beds behind her. Text reads 'Emma Nickerson, Department of Infectious Diseases'

Reaching bigger audiences with online video

One of the great advantages of online video is that you can reach bigger audiences more quickly.

3 May 2019, midnight
Andrew (left) and Grace (right) holding babies, Joel and Sylvie

Babies galore!

It was lovely to get a visit last week from Grace and Andrew, who are on maternity and paternity leave respectively.

29 Aug 2017, midnight
A hand holding a 3D printed protein model

3D Printing – not just white bones

with three different in-house 3D print technologies to choose from we are able to make models in a variety of materials

8 Mar 2017, midnight
A man undergoing an ophthalmic exam (eye test)

Regulation of medical illustrators

We make it our policy to only use registered clinical photographers for making clinical recordings of patients.

21 Sep 2016, midnight

The EPR Arms

23 Aug 2016, midnight

A busy morning in Yangon's Critical Care Unit (Day 5)

Today’s blog from Myanmar comes from Maggs Hamilton, a nurse in Addenbrooke’s Orthopaedic Department, currently on a long-term volunteer placement supporting the Cambridge Yangon Trauma Intervention Partnership.

17 May 2016, midnight
A woman sat in front of a camera. The shot can be seen from the camera screen.

Day 4 – Another busy day in Yangon

Filming and Photography in Yangon, Myanmar.

17 May 2016, midnight
A pool at the Myanmar governor's residence

Sunday 15th May – A break from the hard work!

I was invited to the Governor’s Residence in Myanmar

16 May 2016, midnight
Six people standing in a row for a photo at Sule Shangri-Li hotel in Yangon

Day 3 – filming and photography in Yangon, Myanmar

We went to the amazing Sule Shangri-Li hotel in Yangon.

16 May 2016, midnight

Filming and photography - Day 2 in Yangon, Myanmar

Today Barry Smith gave his 'Training the trainer' presentation and workshop.

13 May 2016, midnight